Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bake My Day Cupcake Review

Bake My Day Cupcake Review

       I am excited to share with you a local up and coming baker in my area.  She had contacted me in reagards to trying some of her products and letting her know what I thought about them.  Well let me tell you, Bake My Day made my day.  Before I go into more details I really want to share with you how pretty these cupcakes were....

Peppermint Swirl



      The Peppermint Swirl cupcake had a yellow cake base with a vanilla frosting on top, red gel frosting for the swirls, and last but not least, the ingredient that gives it it's name, crushed peppermint on top.

Cone Cake

      The Cone cupcakes were the most surprising to me visually.  I had seen these done on Pinterest but never in person.  This cupcake was in a purple ice cream cone  and had a yellow cake base  with a chocolate icing and sprinkles on top. 

Chocolate Peanut Butter Delight


      The Chocolate Peanut Butter Delight cupcake had a chocolate cupcake base with rich peanut butter frosting and crumbled Reese's cups on top.

Candy Bar Crush

      The Candy Bar Crush cupcake had a yellow cake base with a creamy vanilla frosting with little hershey chocolate bars and crushed chocolate on top.

Easter Themed


      Last but definitely not least are the Easter Themed Cupcakes.  Aren't these just adorable.  They are perfect for any Easter Celebration coming up.  These cupcakes had a yellow cake base with a nice green colored vanilla frosting and to top it off they little gumballs to make it look like Easter eggs in the grass.  

Here are some more photos of the cupcakes...


      Let me first start with a big Thank You to Haley, the owner of Bake My Day for giving me the opportunity to try some of your wonderful cupcakes.  Not only did I enjoy them but my family did as well.  It's always nice to see someone locally offer a product or service that I can use that takes the place of what the larger retail chains are offering.
      Now for my review.  I personally loved all of these cupcakes.  I have the biggest sweet tooth ever so needless to say I've tried my share of cupcakes and these rank up there with the top ones.  All of these cupcakes were nice and light and fluffy.  You can tell that Haley really took her time with the mixing process.  These cupcakes with the perfect mix between being moist and fluffy but not dense or spongey.  They had just the right amount of frosting.   And to be honest  if I have a complaint about a cupcake or cake it's usually about the flavor or the amount of frosting.  As stated these had just enough frosting to compliment the cake itself as well as the "decorative and edible" toppings without being overpowering.
      My personal favorites were the Chocolate Peanut Butter Delight and the Peppermint Swirl.  I was prettty sure the Peanut Butter Delight would be one of my favorites but the Peppermint surprised me.  The peppermint on top gave just the right amount of peppermint flavoring that it lasted through eating the entire cupcake.  For the CPBD, who doesn't love chocolate and peanut butter.  This is one of the best homemade peanut butter frostings I've ever had.
      I was pleasantly surprise with the cone cakes.  As mentioned above I had seen them online but never seen them made in person.  I had heard that these could sometimes be soggy or stale but that wasn't the case here.  The cones were filled from top to bottom with cake.  The cone was nice and crisp and the cake light and fluffy.  I think these would be a big hit with the kids.  I found the Candy Bar Crush cupcakes to be very simple yet tasty.  They had the right amount of icing and chocolate bars on top go with the cake below.  The Easter Themed cupcakes were just adorable. My nephew who's 3 1/2 loved these and wanted to get the eggs off the top.  They would make the perfect treat for any Easter party.  
     One of the other things I wanted to try with these cupcakes was the "Next Day" test, because we all know there are time that you just don't eat them all in one day.  I kept these in the box they came in and  found the next day that they weren't hard or stale and were just as good as they were the day before.
      As for the packaging, I really like how these came in a "bakery box"It made them look really professional.  Plus they were easy to carry without having to worry about them tipping over.  I also liked the fact that she had business cards; which is something that a lot of people don't have when they are first starting out.  This really does help spread the word about a company and makes it easy for someone who is interested in placing an order to contact them.  The cards are cute and fitting for the business field.  I also like the catch line... "Baking a Dozen Smiles Each Day!"  
      I definitely recommend you check out this baker and her up and coming business.   Her cupcakes are very delectable and affordable; which is hard to find in today's market.  Also aside from cupcakes, she makes, cakes, cookies, pies, homemade breads and more.  I know I will be making several purchases from her in the future.  You can find out more information by visiting the Bake My Day Facebook page which I will link below.  If you like what you see please click the LIKE button and spread the word.  Just click on the Bake My Day Logo or phrase.



FTC: I was provided these cupcakes in exchange for my honest opinion and review of them

1 comment:

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